Scottish Liberal Democrats – A “joke Political Party”?

Fraser Nelson in The Scotsman dissects the Lib Dems: The ten-point policy card from the Scottish Liberal Democrats yesterday will rank among the most intellectually dishonest documents which a Scots politician has ever had the gall to publish. He goes on: In Cornwall and the north-east of England, Lib Dem candidates promise to stop these … Read more

Muslim Council of Great Britain condemns Lib Dems

The Muslim Council of Great Britain has condemned Charles Kennedy and the Liberal Democrats for voting against the incitement to religious hatred amendment in the Government’s Serious Organised Crime and Police Bill. The MCB’s Secretary General Iqbal Sacranie has written to Charles Kennedy, saying: We are now alarmed that senior members of the Liberal Democrats … Read more

Waltham Forest Lib Dems

Lib Dems in Waltham Forest have put out a Focus leaflet criticising the Council for sending out 22,000 letters to residents in thr borough about the single person council tax allowance. All well and good. Yet the committee that decided to do this is run by, yes you’ve guessed it, the Liberal Democrats. And the … Read more

Greg Stone – Not Elected

Further to our story yesterday we can confirm that the man behind one of our so-called rival sites Labour Watch (or, at the very least, a major contributor to the site) is losing Lib Dem candidate for Newcastle Central Greg Stone. Our source at the Newcastle Central count tells us that Greg thought that he … Read more

More On The Lib Dem Votes For Prisoners Plan

Charles Kennedy has received the backing of at least one person for his policy of giving prisoners including convicted killer Ian Huntley the right to vote. David Seary, a Lib Dem councillor in Stafford, rebukes us for suggesting that the Lib Dem votes for prisoners policy may not be a universally popular or sensible one. … Read more

Haltemprice & Howden Liberal Democrats

News reaches us from the constituency of the real Shadow Home Secretary David Davis. Apparantly Lib Dems in Haltemprice & Howden are sending leaflets to students in halls of residence saying “the Conservatives can’t win here”! With it being a Conservative seat this is a pretty far fetched statement for even the Lib Dems to … Read more

A Disaster For Dunn

Lib Dem Jody Dunn’s chances of winning Hartlepool at the general election are looking more distant than ever. The Lib Dems couldn’t even make any inroads in last month’s local by-election in Rift House ward caused by newly elected Labour MP Iain Wright’s resignation from the Council. In fact, the Lib Dem share of the … Read more